
Code of Conduct

Preventing and combating harassment practices in the workplace
Law 73/2017, of August 16

In compliance with the provisions of paragraph k) of paragraph 1 of article 127 of the Labor Code, Justlog aims, with the preparation and dissemination of this code of conduct, on the one hand, to make known what it consists of harassment in the workplace, increase the awareness and understanding of all Justlog human resources regarding this phenomenon and, on the other hand, establish the standards applicable to situations identified as harassment in the workplace.

Article 1st
Scope of application

This code of conduct applies to all Justlog employees, meaning all people who work for the company.

The application of this code of conduct and its observance does not prevent or exempt the application of other rules of conduct or deontology applicable to certain functions, activities, or professional groups.

Article 2nd
General principle

When carrying out their activities, functions and competencies, Justlog employees must act, at all times, with the best interests of the company in mind, respecting the principles of non-discrimination and combating harassment at work.

Justlog and its employees will guide their actions by the highest standards of integrity and individual dignity, and must denounce any practice that contradicts the provisions of this code of conduct.

Article 3rd
Equal treatment and non-discrimination

Harassment is prohibited.

“Harassment” is understood as unwanted behavior, namely that based on a factor of discrimination, practiced when accessing employment or in the employment itself, work or professional training, with the aim or effect of disturbing or embarrassing the person, affecting the dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or destabilizing environment.

“Sexual harassment” constitutes unwanted behavior of a sexual nature, in verbal, non-verbal or physical form, with the objective or effect referred to in the previous point.

To be qualified as harassment, a certain behavior must be systematic, repetitive and with clear premeditation to carry out that intention.

Article 4th
Disciplinary infraction and sanctions

Whenever Justlog becomes aware of a violation of the provisions contained in this code of conduct, it will initiate a disciplinary procedure, which must begin within 60 days following that in which the person responsible for human resources becomes aware of the infraction (article 329.º of the labor code).

Justlog management or employees must report any irregular practices of which they are aware, providing due collaboration in any disciplinary or criminal investigation processes by the respective competent authorities.

Article 5th
Protection of the whistleblower and witnesses

Dismissal or other sanction applied allegedly to punish an infraction is presumed abusive when it takes place up to one year after the complaint or other form of exercise of rights relating to equality, non-discrimination and harassment.

Justlog employees who report violations of this code cannot, in any way, be harmed.

The complainant and the witnesses indicated by him/her cannot be subject to disciplinary sanctions, unless they act with intent, based on statements or facts contained in the case files, whether judicial or administrative, triggered by harassment until a final decision, final and unappealable, without prejudice exercise of the right to adversarial proceedings.

Witnesses in legal proceedings whose cause of action is harassment are notified by the court.

Article 6th
Administrative offense and additional advertising sanction

The practice of harassment constitutes a very serious offense, without prejudice to possible criminal liability provided for under the law, and exemption from the additional sanction of publicity of the sanction is not applicable.

The publicity of the sentencing decision consists of the inclusion in a public register, made available on the website of the service with inspection competence of the ministry responsible for the labor area, of an extract characterizing the offense, the norm violated, the identification of the offender, the sector of activity , the place where the offense was committed and the sanction applied.

The advertising referred to in the previous paragraph is promoted by the competent court, in relation to the administrative offense subject to a court decision, or by the service referred to in the same point, in other cases.

Article 7th
Occupational illness resulting from harassment

Responsibility for repairing damages resulting from occupational illnesses resulting from harassment lies with Justlog.

Social security is responsible for paying compensation for damages resulting from occupational disease provided for in the previous point, in accordance with the legally established terms, which is subrogated to the employee’s rights, to the extent of the payments made, plus interest on outstanding arrears.

Article 8th
Complaint and resolution with just cause

The Authority for Working Conditions provides its own email address for receiving complaints of harassment in the workplace, and information on its website on identifying harassing practices and on measures to prevent, combat and react to harassment situations.

The practice of harassment reported to the service with inspection competence in the labor area, carried out by Justlog or its representative, constitutes just cause for termination of the contract by the employee.

Article 9th
Final dispositions

This code of conduct comes into force immediately after management approval and dissemination by all employees.

Vilar do Pinheiro, 13rd june 2018

The management

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