
Quality Policy

Justlog takes quality as an essential management tool, in order to ensure company’s competitiveness, through a policy oriented towards the complete satisfaction of its customers, relying on participatory intervention of all employees, suppliers and partners in continuous improvement processes.

Being one of the corporate priorities the establishment of a trust environment which allows the loyalty of customers, our vision and mission based on intrinsic values of our business DNA jointly establish this quality policy.


Ensure that the services provided by the company meet the requirements of its customers, understanding the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders for the quality management system;

Maintain a permanent monitoring and listening posture with customers, generating business confidence;

Accomplish statutory, regulatory and legal requirements, applicable to the services provided and labour relations;

Continuously improve processes and services, aiming for customer satisfaction and company profitability;

Ensure the efficiency of the company, giving employees the infrastructure and appropriate qualifications for the proper performance of their activities, with a philosophy of involvement and personal satisfaction;

Develop a partnership with suppliers and business partners to find out business opportunities for both parties;

Keep an healthy workplace, employees and goods safe and secure, with the commitment to detect and prevent occupational accidents and the reduction and control of the risks in your activity;

Communicate within the organization, make it available to interested parties and review this policy whenever necessary.


Vilar de Pinheiro, 29th may 2023

The Management 

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