
Warehousing & Logistics

Armazém de exportação / Export bonded warehouse
Export bonded warehouse

We receive and store all types of goods to be exported.

In practice: it enables the treatment and consolidation of cargo from different exporters, under due supervision.

Entreposto aduaneiro / Import bonded warehouse

Import bonded warehouse

We receive and store non-EU goods for an unlimited period of time, until they are subject to another subsequent regime or re-exported.

In practice: it allows individuals and companies to suspend the payment of customs duties and VAT on imported goods until they are introduced for consumption or given another destination, taking advantage of treasury and stock management.

Depósito temporário / Temporary customs deposit

Temporary customs deposit

We temporarily store goods that are presented to customs, until they are subject to a customs regime or re-exported: a maximum period of 90 days, counting from the entry of the goods until they are declared for a customs regime.

In practice: it allows individuals and companies to postpone the payment of customs duties and VAT on imported goods until they are introduced for consumption or given another destination, taking advantage of treasury and stock management.

Destinatário autorizado / Customs authorized recipient

Customs authorized recipient

We receive non-EU goods subject to the Union transit regime at our facilities, without the need to physically present themselves at the customs office of destination.

In practice: it allows a significant speed up of processes in the reception of non-EU goods, resulting in considerable time and cost savings.

Long term storage
Picking, Packing, Relabelling and Repacking
Stock control
Cross-docking solutions
Packing of goods
Discharge of granulated for tank truck
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